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Hello welcome to my site. Some disclaimers first: Everything written down here are just my pea's worth of opinion. You are not to take anything I mentioned against me. And I do not need your validation to live, for the record. :)

m u s i c

Music Playlist at

T a g b o a r d

C r e d i t s

Icon: LJ/sixthmile
Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery

Written on: Thursday, November 17, 2005
Time: 11:30 PM

today, band prac for sec 1s and 2s. As usual, 5 rounds at the quadrangle... im fascinated by snow angel, after the run, i quickly, immediately go take it and read. soon, clement shouted softly, incase of disturbing the "O" level students. we went up to set instruments and off he go after warming us up a little...
Mr neo came, and we warmed up. he brought some scores, pomp and circumstance and doraemon X), saying is for us to sight read. he distribute pomp and went into the store room. found acclamations and we played tis. too tired to rite anymore so signing off...god bless you